



fig 翻譯:無花果;無花果樹, (書或文件中常帶有編號的)圖,表(figure的縮寫), (詞或片語)比喻的(figurative的縮寫)。了解更多。

Fig在Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique的討論與評價

Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique. ... FIG welcomes new members on last day of Congress ... 35th FIG Trampoline Gymnastics World Championships.


品牌專區,全台唯一最權威的專業髮品購物網,650位專業沙龍設計師一致好評推薦,染髮族最愛團購護色髮品,98%網友使用後繼續回購,部落客激推洗髮精護髮品,全產品成分經醫生 ...


    Fig在fig - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果的討論與評價

    fig · n.[U]. 服裝;盛裝;健康狀況 · vt. 給……穿上盛裝,打扮[(+out)];刷新;修整[(+up)] ...

    Fig在FIG - 伊聖詩的討論與評價

    在伊日生活YIRI LIVING有很多FIG商品可以挑選,快來選購吧!!

    Fig在FIG cosmetic - 頭皮養護芳療專業- 官方網站- HOME的討論與評價

    FIG cosmetic從台灣植萃芳療出發,調和紓解壓力的香氣與賦活頭皮的配方,讓頭皮自然健康、神清氣爽,建構照護頭皮的質樸美學理論。

    Fig在International Gymnastics Federation - FIG - Home | Facebook的討論與評價

    International Gymnastics Federation - FIG, Lausanne, Switzerland. 532202 likes · 31961 talking about this · 961 were here. The official Facebook page...

    Fig在Fig - Wikipedia的討論與評價

    The fig is the edible fruit of Ficus carica, a species of small tree in the flowering plant family Moraceae. Native to the Mediterranean and western Asia, ...

    Fig在International Federation of Surveyors: FIG的討論與評價

    FIG was founded in 1878 and is a United Nations and World Bank recognized non-governmental organization of national member associations, cadastral and mapping ...

    Fig在fig 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典的討論與評價

    fig 無花果;一點,少許,不值錢的東西(v.)服裝;打扮,裝飾健康狀況.

    Fig的PTT 評價、討論一次看
